I am skilled in WordPress, HTML/CSS, Avada, Node.js, Angular.js, PostgreSQL, and have achieved badges for most of these from Code School. I would be happy to make you a website, prices vary on what you want me to do. In my resume, I have created http://www.raisondetrecafe.com/ and worked on http://www.geffner.com/. I will make you a logo for 3$ with photoshop, and make any edits, the price varying.
- Great Looking Sites!
- Done within 3 weeks!
- At a cheap, affordable price!
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Show me the Details!My Nerdy Skills

I am skilled in HTML/CSS and the Bootstrap framework.

I am skilled in complex CSS, making me the perfect designer for your website.

I am skilled in Node.js and Express, making me the perfect service for creating fast, scalable applications.

I am proficient in Angular.js, making me ideal for creating pages and templates with lots of repeated content.

I am comfortable with PostgreSQL, making me ideal for creating databases.

With JavaScript my best language, I can write JavaScript code like you can write English.